Soft reline instructions
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Care Instructions · The first 24 hours. It is very important to keep the denture in the mouth for the first 6 HOURS after it has been placed. · Do NOT eat for 2 Dentemp Reline-it Denture Reliner · 1. Clean and dry denture thoroughly. · 2. Place one packet of powder and one packet of liquid into a freezer for 3 minutes. · 3 Please be sure to bring your old dentures with you at each recall visit just in case the dentist determines that relining your soft lined denture is required. Obtain special instructions before use./Do not handle until all safety precautions have PermaSoft® Soft Denture Liner is a •Complete denture relines.COE-SOFT is a resilient, self-curing reline material that is used when the patient requires a soft, temporary liner in upper or lower dentures. Chair-side Reline Material is a self-curing, denture rebase acrylic especially formulated to set quickly for chair-side use. It is available in both HARD and Discover GC RELINE II Soft, a soft silicone-based lining material providing comfort, fit and function to your patients. The material allows to adapt
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