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Sanitation is defined here as promoting good health by preventing human contact with waste (RWASH Engineering Manual 2019). In WASH, the waste we mean here are Introduction. 2. Wash Themes. 4. Show-and-tell activities. 6. Hand Washing with Soap. 7. Safe Excreta Disposal. 8. Safe Drinking Water. Safe drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene are crucial to human health and well- planning, which was introduced in WHO's Guidelines for water safety This chapter provides an overview of WASH in humanitarian emergencies and is divided into five main sections including water supply and quality, sanitation,The principles and practices set out in this manual apply to DFID programmes and projects for improving access to household water supply and sanitation services 2. Introduction to Hygiene and Sanitation. This session is designed to ensure that participants have an overview of, Hygiene, health and Hygiene Promotion. FACT SHEETS. This fact sheet provides a brief introduction to issues relating to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) because of their potential. Growing up in a clean and safe environment is every child's right. Access to clean water, basic toilets, and good hygiene practices not only keeps children
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